The first two are watercolours of photos I took on 21 Sept 2011 on Day 4 of our first Camino - the Camino Francés starting from Burgos with Judy and two friends.  The third is from my stint as a hospitalero at the CSJ's Albergue San Martín in Miraz, Galicia on the Camino del Norte.

1. Sunrise on the Meseta - it’s well worth getting up early to see a sunrise, this one was particularly stunning. From a photograph taken on 21st September 2011 at 6:30am, not long after leaving Frómista.



2. A view of Ermita de Nuestra Señora del Río about 12km after Frómista.

3. This final one is a disused quarry / reservoir near Miraz on the Camino del Norte. As a hospitalero there are odd occasions when it’s possible to leave the Albergue and explore the countryside round about. It’s certainly worth doing when at Miraz.