A route, first waymarked in 1999, which begins in Málaga, joining the Vía de la Plata (starting in Seville) at Mérida, enabling pilgrims from Málaga and south-eastern Spain to continue on to Santiago de Compostela. The Camino Mozárabe generically refers to the routes originating in Almería, Granada, or Málaga, so this route shares the Camino with those routes originating in Granada and in Almería, from where they join together in Baena.

The Route: 217 km from Málaga to Córdoba, starting in Málaga and traveling through Almogía, Antequera, Villanueva de Algaidas, Lucena, Baena, Castro del Río to Córdoba. An additional 244 km to Mérida, via Cerro Muriano, Villaharta, Alcaracejos, Hinojosa del Duque, Castuera, Campanario, Don Benito and Medellín. Takes on average 17-19 days to walk the entire route.

Waymarking: Generally well-waymarked throughout, with the yellow arrows familiar to those who have already walked the Camino Francés. The volunteers from the Asociación Jacobea de Málaga help maintain the way marks up until Córdoba.

Terrain: This route is very strenuous and rarely flat with the exception of La Vía Verde (The Oil Train rail bed) which coincides with the Camino from Lucena to Doña Mencía, much of it through olive plantations and hilly scenery. Walking is mainly on old tracks and paths, with some very quiet minor roads. After Alcaracejos the Camino goes through pasture and agricultural land, punctuated by the hilltop fortress villages of Magacela and Medellín, where the route crosses the Río Guadiana, to Mérida.

Weather/When to go: The height of summer is best avoided due to extremely high temperatures. March-May and September-October are recommended. The route crosses several rivers and during the rainy season (usually in mid January – February) this may cause delays or detours.

Accommodation: There are Hostales and pensiones in all places of any size (except Santa Cruz and Cartaojal), refugios in Málaga, Almogía, Villa Nueva de la Concepción, Antequera, Villanueva de Algaidas, Cuevas Bajas, Doña Mencía, Baena (private), Castro del Rio and Espejo.

Basic R&F (roof and floor) facilities are available (e.g. in sports halls) in some places (good Spanish needed) to groups of pilgrims (good Spanish needed) but not always to individuals walking alone in towns where a hostal or pensión exists.

Distinctive features of the route/General: A solitary route at present, with few pilgrims and terrain that is only sparsely inhabited. The stages can be broken up into smaller sections from Málaga to Córdoba as there a a number of small towns. Despite its physical difficulties this is a very interesting camino and recommended to anyone who has already walked from Seville or other places further south and is already fit.

Guide books:

  • Camino Mozárabe de Málaga, Apuntes y Cuaderno de Campo, Asociación Jacobea de Málaga, 2017. Detailed route-finding descriptions (in Spanish) as well as information on places of interest, accommodation and services, complete with maps (used with permission of the CNIG) will be sent free as well as an English translation of the text, upon request from the Association. See Camino Mozárabe website for details. 
  • Camino Mozárabe a Santiago de Córdoba a Mérida. Detailed from information from Córdoba to Mérida. Can be requested by email.

Note that there have been slight some modifications since these guides were published and it is recommended to contact the Asociación directly, either by the web page, or by attending their Tuesday meeting at 19:30, in Centro Cultural ‘José María Gutiérrez’, Calle República Argentina number 9, in Limonar.

Web resources:

Málaga to Córdoba

Córdoba to Mérida (Mérida is on the Vía de la Plata) Sevilla to Mérida and on to Santiago de Compostela

General information about the Camino Mozárabe and its various branches: 

In a 2014 blog post about walking Málaga to Córdoba in winter, Rodney Lynn writes:  

This 200 km section of the Málaga – Santiago camino is an interesting and at times challenging walk through the olive orchards for which this region of Spain is famous. Málaga, Antequera, Lucena and Córdoba are fascinating towns and worth the time investigating – particularly Córdoba.

Language: While it is not impossible to this route without any command of Spanish prospective pilgrims are strongly urged to learn as much as possible before they set out. 

Cyclists: Much of the route is accessible to very fit, energetic mountain bikers though there are sections where the cycling pilgrim will need to dismount and push his/her machine up steep hills. Touring bikes will have to stick to the roads.