If you are on pilgrimage in Holy Week you may see some famous processions::

Camino Francés


  • Holy Monday: Via Crucis.
  • Maundy Thursday: meeting of Jesús con la Cruz a Cuestas and Nuestra Senora de los Dolores in Plaza del Rey San Fernando.


  • Holy Saturday morning: Before Procession of Los Pasos visitors are carried shoulder-high to knock on door of the chapel where the religious floats are stored.
  • Good Friday afternoon: Procession of El Santo Entierro.


  • Religious brotherhoods are known as 'papones'. Processions date from the 16th century.
  • Maundy Thursday: musical procession of El dulce nombre de Jesús Nazareno.
  • Good Friday:  The Procession of Los Pasos. 9am Meeting of La Dolorosa and San Juan in Plaza Mayor.
  • Holy Saturday: El Desenclavo; afternoon opposite Puerta del Perdón in San Isidoro.
  • Links: www.semanasantaleon.org


  • Processions each day, especially Maundy Thursday night El Silencio and Good Friday, some in the early hours of Friday morning.
  • Race of San Juanin in Plaza Mayor - the race of the image of St John hurrying to tell Our Lady Of Sorrows of the death of her Son.
  • Links: www.semanasanta-astorga.com


  • Easter Saturday after dark: Salve to Virgen de la Soledad in front of San Andrés.
  • Easter Sunday: procession of the sacrament accompanied by the women of the town.

Via de la Plata


  • Maundy Thursday: Procession of the Brotherhood of El Cristo del Amor y de la Pazincludes prayers in front of New Cathedral.
  • Good Friday: Descent from the Cross in Patio Chico.


  • Holy Monday: Procession of Penitential Brotherhood of El Santísimo Cristo de la Buena Muerte departs from church of San Lazaro, accompanied by singing of motetJerusalén, Jerusalén by Miguel Manzano.
  • Maundy Thursday: midnight, El Canto del Miserere, Plaza de Viriato - flaming torches line the street , singing of Jesús Yacente.