The Camino Routes Others Jakobsweg (Swiss) A 350 km historic route running east to west through Switzerland from Konstanz on the German border to Geneva. The Route: A 350 km historic route, “end-to-end” (east-west) through Switzerland from Konstanz on the German border to Geneva. There is also a branch starting in Rorschach and leading via St. Gallen to join the main route in Einsiedeln. Follows the general direction taken by pilgrims to Santiago in previous centuries although alternatives paths are used in places where the original route has now become a modern road. In many sections there are also two options, to the north or south of the several lakes the route passes. One goes via the Brunnig pass (1002 m), Interlaken and Thun, the other via Lucerne and Bern, joining up again near Fribourg to continue to Lausanne and then to Geneva and the French border, from where energetic pilgrims can continue on a waymarked route to Le Puy-en-Velay. Waymarking: Well waymarked throughout, either with the white signposts of the Schwabenweg or the brown markers of the Swiss long-distance footpaths network. Note, however, that these never indicate the distance but only the time needed to walk from one place to the next. Terrain: Strenuous! The surfaces are normally easy to walk on (a number of farm tracks are in fact tarmac now) but apart from sections alongside lakes the route is full of ups and downs, often several times a day. The highest point of the route is the pass over the Haggenegg, at 1414 m. Cyclists will need to take minor roads or dedicated cycle tracks for much of the route. Weather/When to go: Allow about three weeks to walk the entire route. Early May to late September. Wide ranges of temperature according to height and season. Accommodation: Plenty, but none of it very cheap. Some youth hostels, very few campsites, but in the German-speaking areas in particular there is a network of simple accommodation known as Schlafen im Stroh/Aventure à la Paille. Farms belonging to the scheme provide a barn where you can sleep in the hay (with your sleeping bag), washing facilities and a good breakfast the following morning. Details are given in the accommodation lists provided by the Swiss pilgrim associations (websites below) Guide books: See the CSJ shop for recently published and comprehensive guide booksto the route from Konstanz and Rorschach to the French border, split into three by Hans Beumer. Mapping: Detailed online mapping of the Swiss route(s) is available on the IVS’ excellent GIS site Websites: Swiss association of pilgrims The Swiss Route of Saint James is another Swiss association that has an English language page here. Site for information for Bregenz, Rorschach – St.Gallen to Einsiedeln Manage Cookie Preferences